OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who are we? Who are you?

 Hey guys! I'm Angelina. I want you to know a little about myself and my purpose for creating all this craziness! Where to begin?! Well first off I recently went through some hard times. I guess you could say I lost myself and  forgot what the purpose of even being alive was. I turned to my girls Jenna and Margarita whom I met at work. They gave me great advice, lots of laughs and good times. Theses two girls have become some of my closest and most treasured friends. They were able to make me feel better even when I was feeling overwhelmed and completely shitty! One day at work I was telling Margarita some of the craziness going on in my life, when she said to me,
“Ya know Ang I can’t keep up with your life! You really need to have a show!”
I laughed at the thought and didn’t think any more of this! In my personal life I still was feeling miserable! I would often lay awake at night watching YouTube videos on my iPhone to pass time and get absorbed into someone Else's world. Before I knew it I was using YouTube as outlet to let go some of my emotions. Slowly I started to feel alive again! I too had ideas for videos and a show! Maybe Margarita was right...

One night I stumbled upon a Shane Dawson video on YouTube.
-------->SUBSCRIBE TO SHANE DAWSON <---------
He had a sick way of being funny and I thought to myself...self...this is you only in a dudes body! After watching the first video I started to watch a second then a third and before I knew it I was sucked into watching ALL his videos. He really lifted my spirits and he's funny as hell! I started telling every person I could about his videos and how I admired him. I had always said my life could be a sitcom but unlike Shane never thought to actually use a site like YouTube to make this happen.

All of this resonated with me a few weeks ago when I went to Target after work with the girls. I was cracking jokes and making ridiculous comments when these two girls came up to me and said how funny I was. I didn't know who those girls were but I thank them. All my life friends and family have told me how funny I was but to hear this from two complete strangers was awesome! Later that night I decided I was going to make a show and take my two favorite ladies for the ride!


Our main purpose is to show average woman dieting, living life and simply just doing some crazy ass shit! I want everyone to follow us and connect with us! Be one huge support system! Whatever the obstacle you may be trying to overcome, we're here for you! We all for our own personal reasons have things we want to change about ourselves. Do you want to lose weight? Quit smoking, drinking or drugs? Are you depressed and down about life? WHATEVER it is! Lets work together to make positive life changes and just be happy! Our goal is to lose weight and get healthy. So instead of sitting back bitching about how we gained weight we’re going to do something about it! We plan on doing video blogs based on our dieting challenges but we're also doing some really fun and random videos! I want everyone around the world to feel like they have a group of everyday girls they can connect with! No one should ever feel alone! So guys sit tight and get ready for a wild and crazy ride!!

With that said....
Let me tell you about me! So we can be better acquainted! I'm 24 years old getting closer to death by the minute. I'm a scorpio and I'm single ;)So any of you fine Cancer/Pieces people out there talk to me =P lol I live in the asshole of the world, Hazleton PA. Before my dad dragged my mom and I out to PA I lived in Oceanside on Long Island New York. So thats where my roots are. I have an underactive thyroid condition which slows my metabolism and warrants me taking a pill everyday for the rest of my life. [If you have an underactive thyroid give me some tips on how you deal with it please!] I'm an only child. Therefore I attribute most of my weirdness to growing up playing board games with myself and my stuffed animals whom each had their own personalities. Schizophrenia hit at a young age. 

I also go to college full time for accounting and finance. So part of me is crazy and psycho and the other part is spent number crunching. I already told you its that Schizophrenia. =)

My mom is my BFF and she will be making a weekly appearance on Fabulous Fridays! You guys are going to love my mom just as much as I do!

Well I'm going to wrap my part of this first blog up and pass it on over to my girl Margarita! Leave me a comment if there is something you're interested in knowing about me! I'll answer alllllll your questions!

  My name is Margarita; I was born in Russia, in the Ural Mountains.  I lived there with my younger sister until I was 9 when I was adopted to the US. [Tell me if any of you guys out there are adopted and how did you cope?] People always ask me if it was terrible and how awful my life must have been?!  I didn’t have it easy but I won’t use it as an excuse! Therefore, I try to lead a positive life. My past has made me stronger, and made me realize that I have a lot to live for. I don’t have time to make excuses I have to be the strong one that’s in control of my own life.

 All of my close friends will tell you that I am a CONTROL FREAK!!!!!  I don’t like it when plans fall through or people break promises or lie! If you want to be in my life you will always be honest and on time and make plans ahead of time with me….its just the way I like to live my life…I wish I had the “ live today for today” kind of attitude…. but I don’t and I am OK with that.  I am completely random and LOUD both in my personality and clothing, but I am OK with that too and if you’re NOT keep walking.  I’m not a bitch I just know what I want.

There is another side of me as well.  I come off being confident and strong but when it comes to love and relationships I am a HUGE sap!  You can break me with just words and make me cry at the snap of your fingers.  I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend Jonathan for the past 7 years and all I want is to get engaged! (and simply putting it that way is a great understatement as most of my friends will tell you)  Getting engaged has been consuming my life for the last 3 years but I recently decided that I cannot control that aspect of my life so I guess it is therapeutically healthy for me to let it go….FOR now..lol

I have very few friends in my life but the ones I do have are one in a million.  I met Jenna and Angelina at work and we have been inseparable ever since.  We are so different but are always making each other laugh.  We always have crazy ideas that never usually follow through but this time I think we really have something special.  I noticed that over the last couple of months I have become very unhappy with my weight and the way my clothes were fitting and just how I felt.  This has to stop.  I feel like I no longer have control of my body and we all know how I NEED to be in control.  I am tired and unhappy and it all stops here.  I am by no means huge I am the average girl so that why I can relate to most woman who may be reading our blog or watching our videos.  I want to get healthy by losing weight.  I want to enjoy being physically fit like I used to be in high school.  So that is my ultimate goal on here……to show you that an average sized girl can get healthy, lose weight, while having a blast with her friends and YOU can do it too!

Alright you guys--leave me some comments!  Here comes Jenna <3

My name is Jenna. I am 23 years old. I am in my second year of marriage to my high school sweetheart. I have a a cat named Keiko who is the love of my life. I like to read, scrapbook, watch movies with my husband, and play around with makeup in my free time. Basically I am the boring one of the group. =P

I am ready to live a little more healthy and to incorporate these changes into my husband's and my lifestyle. 

I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with celiac disease, an auto immune disorder that means my body cannot process gluten, the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. [Tell me if any of you guys out there have this problem!] My diet is already challenging because I cannot eat things that most people eat every day and take for granted, like pasta, bread, bagels, and baked goods. This is good for my diet though! I will be learning how to eat gluten free as well as sticking to my diet. Sometimes it is easy for me to overindulge in the foods I actually can eat, like potato chips, ice cream, rice, or my weakness--or maybe it's more of an obsession--buttered popcorn. I will be practicing moderation and learning healthier alternatives! 

****Alright you guys! I hope you enjoyed getting to know us a bit more! Leave us a comment! So we can get to know you guys too!

We Love you all <3


  1. I love it!!! I'm so proud of you girls, and can't wait to see what this year brings for all of you!

    When can we (your faithful readers) expect you to post? Is there a schedule?

    Can't wait til the next one!!

  2. <3 This. I'll be following along. :) Good luck ladies.

  3. Iam so proud of you girls and looking forward to videos also. This site will be so much fun.
    Good luck ladies!!!!!
