OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hey, guys! Today is my day off from work, so I have just been doing some cleaning around the house. Exciting,  I know. I just got done working out for 45 minutes. I did Crunch's Belly, Butt, & Thighs video by Terri Krefting. Someone had given it to me a long time ago and it has been sitting in my untouched pile of workout DVDs until this week! It was really difficult! The moves were simple and repetitive, and I am super uncoordinated--ask Angelina and Margarita how long it took me to get the PCD dance moves down! But it was pretty easy to follow, but it really pushed me! I started out just thinking I'd do 20 minutes and see how I liked it. It was so hard, but I just kept telling myself, 5 more minutes, or, I'll stop at 30 minutes. Pretty soon we were into the cool down, and I was done! Now I feel pretty good, surprisingly. I'm going to go make a light lunch and run some errands. Here is a clip from the video. Maybe it looks super easy to you, and I'm just really out of shape, which is entirely possible! :)


What is your favorite workout DVD?

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