OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Monday, January 24, 2011


JAM Network Trailer

Hey guys! I'm proud to say that the trailer for our show has been made! Click the link above to view!

Last night was really awesome! Margarita and I stayed over Jenna's house and Jenna made dinner for us.
It was a delicious dinner! She made weight watchers style Chicken Franchaise, rice and broccoli. SO good! Margarita took some pics that she'll post later!

We also filmed most of our first episode! Which will be out Saturday! I'll be busy editing this week as well as filming a few other random parts! After we filmed we did Turbo Jam Ab workout and some of the PCD workout. Always a fun time when we workout together!

Is anyone else watching MTV's "I used to be fat"? It's such an inspiring show! I wish I had extra time to consistently dedicate to working out for long periods of time! Or I wish my only focus was on getting in shape. Unfortunately though I have a crazy busy schedule that keeps me going all the time!

So our next step in filming is going to be a "music video parody" that'a all I'm giving you guys!

Also I need to encourage any of you who do not know who Shane Dawson is to watch some of his videos.
We have some funny skits in store that involve him and it would just make more sense if you knew who he was!
Here's his link SHANE DAWSON

Anyway---I've spent the entire day procrastinating about doing actual school work 0_o
So let me get on that!

Leave me a comment on what you thought about the trailer and if you have any weird ideas leave them too! Maybe we'll make your thoughts a reality!

Love you all! <3

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