OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi, everyone! Thanks for reading! You are getting a treat today--a post from each of us, plus our new trailer!  I hope you guys love it. Please subscribe to our channel and leave us a comment if you do! If you missed it in Ang's post, here it is again: J.A.M. Trailer

We have so many exciting ideas and plans for the future, so we really need all the support we can get! I just hope we can help inspire people like ourselves to make changes--even if they are really hard changes to make sometimes--for the better.

I've been doing this "diet"--which I am beginning to think of as my new lifestyle--for about a week now. It's been hard sometimes--portioning my food, counting points, and exercising, but it is exciting! It's all about decisions--good decisions or bad decisions. Each time I make a good decision throughout the day, it is a triumph! Eating a healthy breakfast, skipping a snack after dinner, turning down a Reese's PB cup that my coworker offered me today ... that last one was hard!

Those little good decisions and small triumphs will add up to some big accomplishments some day ... I can only hope!!! What are some "good decisions" you made today?

Well, thanks for reading! Check out the video and leave some love!

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