OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hey everyone.....
Today was rough because I am having some issues with this whole weight thing I am kinda of stuck around the same number on that scale. But I really should give myself some more time to have my body adjust to this new lifestyle. I will promise to step on that scale only 1 time each week!!!

On a happy note we posted out first YouTube video tonight so I'm thrilled please view it by subscribing to out YouTube channel. Leave comments for us. What do you guys want to see what do you want us to talk about to video. We need all the support to get this rolling

P.S. Who do you relate to me, Jenna or Ang???? Let us know

<3 Margarita

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