OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Monday, January 31, 2011


Hey hey hey!

So these past few days have a been a bit boring and dry. I'm looking forward to beautiful sunshiny weather! I went to the doctor's today so they can check my TSH levels (thyroid) and make sure the dosage I'm on is the right one. I also weighed about ten pounds less than I did the last time I was there a few weeks ago! That was pretty exciting! Tomorrow is one month for me I'm excited to see what I've actually lost! It's going to be great!

Otherwise I've been somewhat emotional these past few days. I'm trying to sort some feelings out and decide what is good and positive in my life and what is bad.

I hate being an emotional eater....its so screwed up.

Oh oh oh! I went to Everything Natural today with mom and got some really awesome stuff! More freeze dried fruit chips and other really awesome health food stuff. I love that store its so awesome!

We're supposed to get some sort of crazy snow and ice storm tonight into tomorrow so we'll see what happens there. I may not be going to school tomorrow!

Leave some love! <3


Hi!! Hope you are all doing well! You know the big news for us is our first episode-->The J.A.M. Network--Episode 1. Please check it out and leave some feedback. We want to know what you think!

Everything is going pretty well for me. I just hope you guys are reading and enjoying. But please let us know if you are! Comments and telling your friends about the blog and videos is what will make us feel encouraged. Well, this is short because I am going to to work out before work--try that crazy Crunch Bootcamp DVD again! Leave a comment! <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011


hey guys!
    sorry i havent written in a while...my life spun a little out of control in the last few days but I cant let it affect me.  I had my weigh in today and i lost more weight...i am so looking forward to our measurements on Feb 12th and I will post how many inches i have lost in the month and I hope Ang and jenna do the same....I am so excited that we are uploadign another video soon ( as soon as Ang edits it)
   I really want to push my self in the next two weeks because i want to be able to say that I lost the most amount of inches.


Hey hey hey! Alright guys! I know we are slacking a bit but things have been a bit crazy and hectic in all of our lives these past few days. I'm having a hard time finding a good balance between work--school--dieting---exercising--having a social life---and sleeping. I don't sleep anymore!

Good news... the new video is here!! It took a while for me to edit and I'm learning so many new things about the software its really exciting!

JAM Network Episode 1

I hope you guys enjoy the video!

This Tuesday will be one month on my diet and I'm excited! I think that I'm really doing well making this lifestyle change!

I would love to know if anyone else feels motivated!

Love you all!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hey, guys! Today is my day off from work, so I have just been doing some cleaning around the house. Exciting,  I know. I just got done working out for 45 minutes. I did Crunch's Belly, Butt, & Thighs video by Terri Krefting. Someone had given it to me a long time ago and it has been sitting in my untouched pile of workout DVDs until this week! It was really difficult! The moves were simple and repetitive, and I am super uncoordinated--ask Angelina and Margarita how long it took me to get the PCD dance moves down! But it was pretty easy to follow, but it really pushed me! I started out just thinking I'd do 20 minutes and see how I liked it. It was so hard, but I just kept telling myself, 5 more minutes, or, I'll stop at 30 minutes. Pretty soon we were into the cool down, and I was done! Now I feel pretty good, surprisingly. I'm going to go make a light lunch and run some errands. Here is a clip from the video. Maybe it looks super easy to you, and I'm just really out of shape, which is entirely possible! :)


What is your favorite workout DVD?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hey guys!!

My first vlog---so weird to talk to yourself!


So today was sort of a bummer. Its my weigh-in day and there wasn't a very big change. Which you know if you have dieted its all about results, results, RESULTS! It's hard to stay focused when you feel like you're not seeing a change. However, I think I've lost inches which we'll find out on Feb 12th.

I do feel a hell of a lot better regardless! I'm eating more fruits and veggies. I'm learning my portion sizes and how to count my points easier! Weight Watchers is really easy though. If you have an iPhone there is a great App called iWatchr (spelled like that) for $0.99 that tracks your points and has the calculator built into it. Its really convenient considering my phone is attached at the hip at all times! lol

We're not hearing any feedback from you guys. I'm wondering if any of this is motivating you guys to become healthier. The whole reason we started this Blog and YouTube videos is to inspire men and woman as well as support each other through dieting together. We can't be the only three looking to get in shape. Come guys talk to us and lets motivate each other. Summer is coming!

I love you all. I really need to get some school work done! <3

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi, everyone! Thanks for reading! You are getting a treat today--a post from each of us, plus our new trailer!  I hope you guys love it. Please subscribe to our channel and leave us a comment if you do! If you missed it in Ang's post, here it is again: J.A.M. Trailer

We have so many exciting ideas and plans for the future, so we really need all the support we can get! I just hope we can help inspire people like ourselves to make changes--even if they are really hard changes to make sometimes--for the better.

I've been doing this "diet"--which I am beginning to think of as my new lifestyle--for about a week now. It's been hard sometimes--portioning my food, counting points, and exercising, but it is exciting! It's all about decisions--good decisions or bad decisions. Each time I make a good decision throughout the day, it is a triumph! Eating a healthy breakfast, skipping a snack after dinner, turning down a Reese's PB cup that my coworker offered me today ... that last one was hard!

Those little good decisions and small triumphs will add up to some big accomplishments some day ... I can only hope!!! What are some "good decisions" you made today?

Well, thanks for reading! Check out the video and leave some love!


Hey everyone
We have so many exciting things going on I can't even help but smile. Ang just posted a little sneak peak of what's about to come I hope you guys are watching !!! I am so proud of her she never edited before and her work looks like a pro did it!!! What would we do without her!!!!
Last night we stayed at jennas and had an awesome dinner. Tonight I'm making turkey croquettes which I can't wait to have because it's only 6 points :) I hope we are going to inspire all women and girls to take this crazy ride with us so please please subscribe and comment we want everyone to relate to us. Talk to you guys soon!

Margarita <3


JAM Network Trailer

Hey guys! I'm proud to say that the trailer for our show has been made! Click the link above to view!

Last night was really awesome! Margarita and I stayed over Jenna's house and Jenna made dinner for us.
It was a delicious dinner! She made weight watchers style Chicken Franchaise, rice and broccoli. SO good! Margarita took some pics that she'll post later!

We also filmed most of our first episode! Which will be out Saturday! I'll be busy editing this week as well as filming a few other random parts! After we filmed we did Turbo Jam Ab workout and some of the PCD workout. Always a fun time when we workout together!

Is anyone else watching MTV's "I used to be fat"? It's such an inspiring show! I wish I had extra time to consistently dedicate to working out for long periods of time! Or I wish my only focus was on getting in shape. Unfortunately though I have a crazy busy schedule that keeps me going all the time!

So our next step in filming is going to be a "music video parody" that'a all I'm giving you guys!

Also I need to encourage any of you who do not know who Shane Dawson is to watch some of his videos.
We have some funny skits in store that involve him and it would just make more sense if you knew who he was!
Here's his link SHANE DAWSON

Anyway---I've spent the entire day procrastinating about doing actual school work 0_o
So let me get on that!

Leave me a comment on what you thought about the trailer and if you have any weird ideas leave them too! Maybe we'll make your thoughts a reality!

Love you all! <3

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Alright.....I really need to stop being 4'11" and grow already! I can't even reach the second shelf in the cabinets to get a glass down! Maybe I should get leg implants....I would look weird though...I don't know this shortness gets annoying though! I mean I'm 24 and I look 13. Hopefully when I'm thirty I'll look 18 though....

Alright this has no point. Umm if you live in NEPA or PA in general....I'm sick of this snow and single digit weather! I want sunshine! Anyone else ready to be able to walk outside without dressing like an Eskimo?

Anywho I'm really excited to make our first actual video! The Disney Princesses Obsession?! Was me trying to figure out how to use iMovies. Let me just say editing is hard! But I'm learning a lot.
School is in full swing and I have finance and auditing driving me nuts already!

The diet is going awesome. Weight watchers is so easy to do! I've been lacking on the exercise part the past two days BUT I plan on doing my pilots later and maybe a little pussy cat dolls action haha!

Sleepover at jenna's house tomorrow! So excited >.<

Well leave some love!

Oh and leave me random shit to ask my mom. She's dying for me to make her shows! So perhaps I'll have her "fabulous Fridays" out this week! Please the more ridiculous the question the funnier my mom's response will be! I also put a quick video on YouTube of my family at Christmas. We're nuts. It's in the link next to this post!

Love you all <3

Friday, January 21, 2011


Good morning, everyone!  I hope you all got to check out our very first VIDEO, edited by Ang. She did a great job! I hope you LOVE it! If you missed it in her post, here it is again-->DISNEY PRINCESS OBSESSION?!

It is just a little glimpse of the fun, craziness, and randomness that is to come with us! It is such a coincidence ... but Andy and I actually watched Beauty and the Beast last night! It is one of my favorite movies. It just makes me happy. Belle is one of my favorites, along with Jasmine, of course! I wish loving Disney princesses was more socially acceptable for a 23 year old, because I could dive into the philosophy of Beauty and the Beast that I was thinking about last night, but it might just get weird.

Who is your favorite Disney character?

Well, I am up a little early before work so I can go WORK OUT! It was hard because I am still sore from the last 3 days, but I am determined! Thanks for checking in! Leave some looooooooove!


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Hey hey! How are you guys>?

I just edited our first video! Please check it out everyone!


I love you all!!!!


Hey everyone.....
Today was rough because I am having some issues with this whole weight thing I am kinda of stuck around the same number on that scale. But I really should give myself some more time to have my body adjust to this new lifestyle. I will promise to step on that scale only 1 time each week!!!

On a happy note we posted out first YouTube video tonight so I'm thrilled please view it by subscribing to out YouTube channel. Leave comments for us. What do you guys want to see what do you want us to talk about to video. We need all the support to get this rolling

P.S. Who do you relate to me, Jenna or Ang???? Let us know

<3 Margarita


Whats happening all you sexy people out in Internet land! Today was pretty awesome! This is going to be a very quick update! But I wanted to put one pic up for today! So here we are in all our glory!

We also recorded some random stuff so tomorrow I'll edit it and post it! I would do it right now...and I really want too! But I have school tomorrow and also need to sleep! 

Today I did learn that it is completely possible to go out with friends and eat healthy. We went to TGI Fridays for dinner and I was proud to say that we all did a really good job making great selections! Normally I get a lot of crap---green bean fries....jack daniels bacon cheeseburger and fries...BUT tonight I had three potstickers and the Dragonfire chicken with broccoli. I have to admit is was pretty damn good. Plus I felt empowered about making a good choice as opposed to just giving in! 

What does anyone else do to avoid cravings for delicious, high calorie goodness>? Let me know. I could use the tips!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Alright....so we just worked out to this weird dance workout DVD...It was like a clusterfuck of weird Aussie people tellin' us to jiggle as if we don't jiggle enough lol! Oh it was so random. Then we decided enough of the kangaroo crap lets do the pussy cat dolls workout...which resulted in three super uncoordinated girls bouncing and jumping around the living room trying to gain tips on how to be sexy from girls on TV.  Yes. It was a sight. 

Now Jenna and I are going to do sit ups, shower and then the three of us are going to go to a store called Everything Natural in Clarks Summit PA. CLICK HERE TO SEE THEIR SITE!  
They have really awesome stuff there as well as a large selection of Gluten free crap for Jenna. It will be an adventure! Then we're going to take some pics and see where the day leads us! I had an awesome breakfast  (Egg whites, Weight Watchers cheese, turkey bacon and rice burrito shells) so good!

Ugh! I also have to study and read later! Class all day tomorrow! So excited....NOT...

Leave some love! <3


I am so glad I am not on this weight loss, fitness, personal improvement journey alone. Last night, while sipping hot tea (sweetened with Truvia!) with my girls while we brainstormed for our videos and discussed how our diets are going, I was overwhelmed with gratitude--for my life, for my health, for my family and my husband and Keiko, for the abundance of food and the healthy alternatives I have access to, for my job, and for my friends who are so supportive and encouraging and inspire me every day with the changes they have already made in their lives.
Enough with the sappiness!! Sorry about that!
Today is a great day. I have off of work. I just had a delicious breakfast of turkey bacon, a gluten free crepe, and a yogurt. I am off to go try a new dance aerobic DVD. I'll let you know how I like it. :) 
Thanks for reading, guys! 


Hello world!!!!!

So I guess I'll be the first one to post for our readers.... My challenge right now is that I am attempting the Weight Watchers Points Plus program. I love it because I can have all the fruit and veggies I want and it won't cost me any points!!! For all of you who aren't sure about WW I'll just explain it a little bit!

Basically I get an allowance of points based on my current age height amd weight. The points are calculated by the WW system so that I lose weight in a healthy way. I also get an extra weekly allowance of points that I can use sparingly throughout the week or save them for a special treat. So far I enjoy being accountable for the food I am now putting into my mouth and I really hope this works!

So all you out there ask me your questions and send me advice
We are taking photos tomorrow and will be uploading new ones soon so keep an eye out! Thanks for reading!!!

<3 margarita

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who are we? Who are you?

 Hey guys! I'm Angelina. I want you to know a little about myself and my purpose for creating all this craziness! Where to begin?! Well first off I recently went through some hard times. I guess you could say I lost myself and  forgot what the purpose of even being alive was. I turned to my girls Jenna and Margarita whom I met at work. They gave me great advice, lots of laughs and good times. Theses two girls have become some of my closest and most treasured friends. They were able to make me feel better even when I was feeling overwhelmed and completely shitty! One day at work I was telling Margarita some of the craziness going on in my life, when she said to me,
“Ya know Ang I can’t keep up with your life! You really need to have a show!”
I laughed at the thought and didn’t think any more of this! In my personal life I still was feeling miserable! I would often lay awake at night watching YouTube videos on my iPhone to pass time and get absorbed into someone Else's world. Before I knew it I was using YouTube as outlet to let go some of my emotions. Slowly I started to feel alive again! I too had ideas for videos and a show! Maybe Margarita was right...

One night I stumbled upon a Shane Dawson video on YouTube.
-------->SUBSCRIBE TO SHANE DAWSON <---------
He had a sick way of being funny and I thought to myself...self...this is you only in a dudes body! After watching the first video I started to watch a second then a third and before I knew it I was sucked into watching ALL his videos. He really lifted my spirits and he's funny as hell! I started telling every person I could about his videos and how I admired him. I had always said my life could be a sitcom but unlike Shane never thought to actually use a site like YouTube to make this happen.

All of this resonated with me a few weeks ago when I went to Target after work with the girls. I was cracking jokes and making ridiculous comments when these two girls came up to me and said how funny I was. I didn't know who those girls were but I thank them. All my life friends and family have told me how funny I was but to hear this from two complete strangers was awesome! Later that night I decided I was going to make a show and take my two favorite ladies for the ride!


Our main purpose is to show average woman dieting, living life and simply just doing some crazy ass shit! I want everyone to follow us and connect with us! Be one huge support system! Whatever the obstacle you may be trying to overcome, we're here for you! We all for our own personal reasons have things we want to change about ourselves. Do you want to lose weight? Quit smoking, drinking or drugs? Are you depressed and down about life? WHATEVER it is! Lets work together to make positive life changes and just be happy! Our goal is to lose weight and get healthy. So instead of sitting back bitching about how we gained weight we’re going to do something about it! We plan on doing video blogs based on our dieting challenges but we're also doing some really fun and random videos! I want everyone around the world to feel like they have a group of everyday girls they can connect with! No one should ever feel alone! So guys sit tight and get ready for a wild and crazy ride!!

With that said....
Let me tell you about me! So we can be better acquainted! I'm 24 years old getting closer to death by the minute. I'm a scorpio and I'm single ;)So any of you fine Cancer/Pieces people out there talk to me =P lol I live in the asshole of the world, Hazleton PA. Before my dad dragged my mom and I out to PA I lived in Oceanside on Long Island New York. So thats where my roots are. I have an underactive thyroid condition which slows my metabolism and warrants me taking a pill everyday for the rest of my life. [If you have an underactive thyroid give me some tips on how you deal with it please!] I'm an only child. Therefore I attribute most of my weirdness to growing up playing board games with myself and my stuffed animals whom each had their own personalities. Schizophrenia hit at a young age. 

I also go to college full time for accounting and finance. So part of me is crazy and psycho and the other part is spent number crunching. I already told you its that Schizophrenia. =)

My mom is my BFF and she will be making a weekly appearance on Fabulous Fridays! You guys are going to love my mom just as much as I do!

Well I'm going to wrap my part of this first blog up and pass it on over to my girl Margarita! Leave me a comment if there is something you're interested in knowing about me! I'll answer alllllll your questions!

  My name is Margarita; I was born in Russia, in the Ural Mountains.  I lived there with my younger sister until I was 9 when I was adopted to the US. [Tell me if any of you guys out there are adopted and how did you cope?] People always ask me if it was terrible and how awful my life must have been?!  I didn’t have it easy but I won’t use it as an excuse! Therefore, I try to lead a positive life. My past has made me stronger, and made me realize that I have a lot to live for. I don’t have time to make excuses I have to be the strong one that’s in control of my own life.

 All of my close friends will tell you that I am a CONTROL FREAK!!!!!  I don’t like it when plans fall through or people break promises or lie! If you want to be in my life you will always be honest and on time and make plans ahead of time with me….its just the way I like to live my life…I wish I had the “ live today for today” kind of attitude…. but I don’t and I am OK with that.  I am completely random and LOUD both in my personality and clothing, but I am OK with that too and if you’re NOT keep walking.  I’m not a bitch I just know what I want.

There is another side of me as well.  I come off being confident and strong but when it comes to love and relationships I am a HUGE sap!  You can break me with just words and make me cry at the snap of your fingers.  I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend Jonathan for the past 7 years and all I want is to get engaged! (and simply putting it that way is a great understatement as most of my friends will tell you)  Getting engaged has been consuming my life for the last 3 years but I recently decided that I cannot control that aspect of my life so I guess it is therapeutically healthy for me to let it go….FOR now..lol

I have very few friends in my life but the ones I do have are one in a million.  I met Jenna and Angelina at work and we have been inseparable ever since.  We are so different but are always making each other laugh.  We always have crazy ideas that never usually follow through but this time I think we really have something special.  I noticed that over the last couple of months I have become very unhappy with my weight and the way my clothes were fitting and just how I felt.  This has to stop.  I feel like I no longer have control of my body and we all know how I NEED to be in control.  I am tired and unhappy and it all stops here.  I am by no means huge I am the average girl so that why I can relate to most woman who may be reading our blog or watching our videos.  I want to get healthy by losing weight.  I want to enjoy being physically fit like I used to be in high school.  So that is my ultimate goal on here……to show you that an average sized girl can get healthy, lose weight, while having a blast with her friends and YOU can do it too!

Alright you guys--leave me some comments!  Here comes Jenna <3

My name is Jenna. I am 23 years old. I am in my second year of marriage to my high school sweetheart. I have a a cat named Keiko who is the love of my life. I like to read, scrapbook, watch movies with my husband, and play around with makeup in my free time. Basically I am the boring one of the group. =P

I am ready to live a little more healthy and to incorporate these changes into my husband's and my lifestyle. 

I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with celiac disease, an auto immune disorder that means my body cannot process gluten, the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. [Tell me if any of you guys out there have this problem!] My diet is already challenging because I cannot eat things that most people eat every day and take for granted, like pasta, bread, bagels, and baked goods. This is good for my diet though! I will be learning how to eat gluten free as well as sticking to my diet. Sometimes it is easy for me to overindulge in the foods I actually can eat, like potato chips, ice cream, rice, or my weakness--or maybe it's more of an obsession--buttered popcorn. I will be practicing moderation and learning healthier alternatives! 

****Alright you guys! I hope you enjoyed getting to know us a bit more! Leave us a comment! So we can get to know you guys too!

We Love you all <3