OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, hello!

It's been a while! This last week has been pretty crazy for all of us but I wanted to write a quick blog before Angelina gets here! We are going up to the natural/gluten-free store to stock up on some healthy foods!

Things have been going pretty well for me for the last week. I did have a splurge night over the weekend, where I basically cashed in the whole week's flex points, but I am going strong this week. I worked out using my Crunch DVD Monday, and I am soooo excited because I just ordered a new Crunch DVD. It is a kickboxing/cardio dance one. I will let you guys know how I like it. I also ordered some wrist and ankle weights to wear while I work out.

So today is my day off and this morning I wasn't feeling well at all so I slept in. I laid there thinking of all the things I have to do today, and WANT to do today, like clean and vacuum, work out, go out with Ang, etc. But I still couldn't bring myself to leave my comfy, warm bed. Then I started thinking about what I would eat today (I usually mentally plan out a rough idea of what I will eat for the next day, just to keep me on track), but all I really wanted was pizza, or a bagel. THEN it hit me--a distant memory from my childhood of PIZZA BAGELS that my mom would sometimes make for us as a quick snack or lunch. Have you ever had one? Two of the best foods ever merged into one delicious meal. I am not even exaggerating when I tell you I was jumping out of beds within seconds of envisioning those puppies. I zoomed through making the bed, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, and even working out (to this crazy DVD called INSANITY that Margarita left here ... which I barely made it through), all so I could go make and eat my pizza bagels.

Here's how to make them. They were 7 points, a bit more than I usually eat for lunch, but since I slept in so late and worked out, it served as my breakfast and lunch. It's not particularly nutritious, but it is filling and a great little comfort food.

All you do is slather some tomato sauce (0 points) on two halves of a bagel (my gluten-free one was 5 points), sprinkle on some oregano, garlic powder, and some parsley to make it look fancy (0 points), and some mozzarella cheese (my reduced-fat cheese was 2 points for 1/4 cup). Pop it in the oven for about 5 minutes, until the bagel gets crispy and the cheese gets bubbly, and then enjoy! YUM!

Oh, and here is a clip of that Insanity work out.
RIGHT?! Crazy! I'm going to have to stick to my Crunch dance videos for now and work up to that craziness! I spent most of it "resting" and "recovering"! Alright, I've got to go get ready! Have a great day and leave some looooove!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hey hey

My lovely people!

I've had a whirl wind of crap this past weekend! So I kinda fell off for a hot minute. HOWEVER I kept on track with weight watchers and didn't stray. I got super depressed and started finding myself sleeping all day or keeping to myself....I don't deal well with my emotions. This is a serious note for all of my friends, family and people I will get to know. DO NOT ever let someone make you feel like crap. That's exactly what happened this past week. I let someone from my past get the best of me...SO with that horrible heartache came a really sweet idea for a video! Its going to take sometime for me to pull off so please please be patient! I promise it will be worth it!

Feb 12. is our measurement and weigh in day! I'm so excited to see how far each of us has gotten!
I've noticed that my eating habits really have changed. I find myself snacking on fruits and veggies instead of crappy processed foods. It's the best thing I have ever done!

I'm really proud of myself and the woman I am transforming into.

Tell me how you guys deal with having your heart broken or with mean bitches?!
What do you do to make yourselves feel better!?

Love you all! XOXO

Monday, January 31, 2011


Hey hey hey!

So these past few days have a been a bit boring and dry. I'm looking forward to beautiful sunshiny weather! I went to the doctor's today so they can check my TSH levels (thyroid) and make sure the dosage I'm on is the right one. I also weighed about ten pounds less than I did the last time I was there a few weeks ago! That was pretty exciting! Tomorrow is one month for me I'm excited to see what I've actually lost! It's going to be great!

Otherwise I've been somewhat emotional these past few days. I'm trying to sort some feelings out and decide what is good and positive in my life and what is bad.

I hate being an emotional eater....its so screwed up.

Oh oh oh! I went to Everything Natural today with mom and got some really awesome stuff! More freeze dried fruit chips and other really awesome health food stuff. I love that store its so awesome!

We're supposed to get some sort of crazy snow and ice storm tonight into tomorrow so we'll see what happens there. I may not be going to school tomorrow!

Leave some love! <3


Hi!! Hope you are all doing well! You know the big news for us is our first episode-->The J.A.M. Network--Episode 1. Please check it out and leave some feedback. We want to know what you think!

Everything is going pretty well for me. I just hope you guys are reading and enjoying. But please let us know if you are! Comments and telling your friends about the blog and videos is what will make us feel encouraged. Well, this is short because I am going to to work out before work--try that crazy Crunch Bootcamp DVD again! Leave a comment! <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011


hey guys!
    sorry i havent written in a while...my life spun a little out of control in the last few days but I cant let it affect me.  I had my weigh in today and i lost more weight...i am so looking forward to our measurements on Feb 12th and I will post how many inches i have lost in the month and I hope Ang and jenna do the same....I am so excited that we are uploadign another video soon ( as soon as Ang edits it)
   I really want to push my self in the next two weeks because i want to be able to say that I lost the most amount of inches.


Hey hey hey! Alright guys! I know we are slacking a bit but things have been a bit crazy and hectic in all of our lives these past few days. I'm having a hard time finding a good balance between work--school--dieting---exercising--having a social life---and sleeping. I don't sleep anymore!

Good news... the new video is here!! It took a while for me to edit and I'm learning so many new things about the software its really exciting!

JAM Network Episode 1

I hope you guys enjoy the video!

This Tuesday will be one month on my diet and I'm excited! I think that I'm really doing well making this lifestyle change!

I would love to know if anyone else feels motivated!

Love you all!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hey, guys! Today is my day off from work, so I have just been doing some cleaning around the house. Exciting,  I know. I just got done working out for 45 minutes. I did Crunch's Belly, Butt, & Thighs video by Terri Krefting. Someone had given it to me a long time ago and it has been sitting in my untouched pile of workout DVDs until this week! It was really difficult! The moves were simple and repetitive, and I am super uncoordinated--ask Angelina and Margarita how long it took me to get the PCD dance moves down! But it was pretty easy to follow, but it really pushed me! I started out just thinking I'd do 20 minutes and see how I liked it. It was so hard, but I just kept telling myself, 5 more minutes, or, I'll stop at 30 minutes. Pretty soon we were into the cool down, and I was done! Now I feel pretty good, surprisingly. I'm going to go make a light lunch and run some errands. Here is a clip from the video. Maybe it looks super easy to you, and I'm just really out of shape, which is entirely possible! :)


What is your favorite workout DVD?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hey guys!!

My first vlog---so weird to talk to yourself!


So today was sort of a bummer. Its my weigh-in day and there wasn't a very big change. Which you know if you have dieted its all about results, results, RESULTS! It's hard to stay focused when you feel like you're not seeing a change. However, I think I've lost inches which we'll find out on Feb 12th.

I do feel a hell of a lot better regardless! I'm eating more fruits and veggies. I'm learning my portion sizes and how to count my points easier! Weight Watchers is really easy though. If you have an iPhone there is a great App called iWatchr (spelled like that) for $0.99 that tracks your points and has the calculator built into it. Its really convenient considering my phone is attached at the hip at all times! lol

We're not hearing any feedback from you guys. I'm wondering if any of this is motivating you guys to become healthier. The whole reason we started this Blog and YouTube videos is to inspire men and woman as well as support each other through dieting together. We can't be the only three looking to get in shape. Come guys talk to us and lets motivate each other. Summer is coming!

I love you all. I really need to get some school work done! <3

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hi, everyone! Thanks for reading! You are getting a treat today--a post from each of us, plus our new trailer!  I hope you guys love it. Please subscribe to our channel and leave us a comment if you do! If you missed it in Ang's post, here it is again: J.A.M. Trailer

We have so many exciting ideas and plans for the future, so we really need all the support we can get! I just hope we can help inspire people like ourselves to make changes--even if they are really hard changes to make sometimes--for the better.

I've been doing this "diet"--which I am beginning to think of as my new lifestyle--for about a week now. It's been hard sometimes--portioning my food, counting points, and exercising, but it is exciting! It's all about decisions--good decisions or bad decisions. Each time I make a good decision throughout the day, it is a triumph! Eating a healthy breakfast, skipping a snack after dinner, turning down a Reese's PB cup that my coworker offered me today ... that last one was hard!

Those little good decisions and small triumphs will add up to some big accomplishments some day ... I can only hope!!! What are some "good decisions" you made today?

Well, thanks for reading! Check out the video and leave some love!


Hey everyone
We have so many exciting things going on I can't even help but smile. Ang just posted a little sneak peak of what's about to come I hope you guys are watching !!! I am so proud of her she never edited before and her work looks like a pro did it!!! What would we do without her!!!!
Last night we stayed at jennas and had an awesome dinner. Tonight I'm making turkey croquettes which I can't wait to have because it's only 6 points :) I hope we are going to inspire all women and girls to take this crazy ride with us so please please subscribe and comment we want everyone to relate to us. Talk to you guys soon!

Margarita <3