OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, hello!

It's been a while! This last week has been pretty crazy for all of us but I wanted to write a quick blog before Angelina gets here! We are going up to the natural/gluten-free store to stock up on some healthy foods!

Things have been going pretty well for me for the last week. I did have a splurge night over the weekend, where I basically cashed in the whole week's flex points, but I am going strong this week. I worked out using my Crunch DVD Monday, and I am soooo excited because I just ordered a new Crunch DVD. It is a kickboxing/cardio dance one. I will let you guys know how I like it. I also ordered some wrist and ankle weights to wear while I work out.

So today is my day off and this morning I wasn't feeling well at all so I slept in. I laid there thinking of all the things I have to do today, and WANT to do today, like clean and vacuum, work out, go out with Ang, etc. But I still couldn't bring myself to leave my comfy, warm bed. Then I started thinking about what I would eat today (I usually mentally plan out a rough idea of what I will eat for the next day, just to keep me on track), but all I really wanted was pizza, or a bagel. THEN it hit me--a distant memory from my childhood of PIZZA BAGELS that my mom would sometimes make for us as a quick snack or lunch. Have you ever had one? Two of the best foods ever merged into one delicious meal. I am not even exaggerating when I tell you I was jumping out of beds within seconds of envisioning those puppies. I zoomed through making the bed, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, and even working out (to this crazy DVD called INSANITY that Margarita left here ... which I barely made it through), all so I could go make and eat my pizza bagels.

Here's how to make them. They were 7 points, a bit more than I usually eat for lunch, but since I slept in so late and worked out, it served as my breakfast and lunch. It's not particularly nutritious, but it is filling and a great little comfort food.

All you do is slather some tomato sauce (0 points) on two halves of a bagel (my gluten-free one was 5 points), sprinkle on some oregano, garlic powder, and some parsley to make it look fancy (0 points), and some mozzarella cheese (my reduced-fat cheese was 2 points for 1/4 cup). Pop it in the oven for about 5 minutes, until the bagel gets crispy and the cheese gets bubbly, and then enjoy! YUM!

Oh, and here is a clip of that Insanity work out.
RIGHT?! Crazy! I'm going to have to stick to my Crunch dance videos for now and work up to that craziness! I spent most of it "resting" and "recovering"! Alright, I've got to go get ready! Have a great day and leave some looooove!

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