OuR cRaZy LiVeS!

OuR cRaZy LiVeS!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well, hello!

It's been a while! This last week has been pretty crazy for all of us but I wanted to write a quick blog before Angelina gets here! We are going up to the natural/gluten-free store to stock up on some healthy foods!

Things have been going pretty well for me for the last week. I did have a splurge night over the weekend, where I basically cashed in the whole week's flex points, but I am going strong this week. I worked out using my Crunch DVD Monday, and I am soooo excited because I just ordered a new Crunch DVD. It is a kickboxing/cardio dance one. I will let you guys know how I like it. I also ordered some wrist and ankle weights to wear while I work out.

So today is my day off and this morning I wasn't feeling well at all so I slept in. I laid there thinking of all the things I have to do today, and WANT to do today, like clean and vacuum, work out, go out with Ang, etc. But I still couldn't bring myself to leave my comfy, warm bed. Then I started thinking about what I would eat today (I usually mentally plan out a rough idea of what I will eat for the next day, just to keep me on track), but all I really wanted was pizza, or a bagel. THEN it hit me--a distant memory from my childhood of PIZZA BAGELS that my mom would sometimes make for us as a quick snack or lunch. Have you ever had one? Two of the best foods ever merged into one delicious meal. I am not even exaggerating when I tell you I was jumping out of beds within seconds of envisioning those puppies. I zoomed through making the bed, cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, and even working out (to this crazy DVD called INSANITY that Margarita left here ... which I barely made it through), all so I could go make and eat my pizza bagels.

Here's how to make them. They were 7 points, a bit more than I usually eat for lunch, but since I slept in so late and worked out, it served as my breakfast and lunch. It's not particularly nutritious, but it is filling and a great little comfort food.

All you do is slather some tomato sauce (0 points) on two halves of a bagel (my gluten-free one was 5 points), sprinkle on some oregano, garlic powder, and some parsley to make it look fancy (0 points), and some mozzarella cheese (my reduced-fat cheese was 2 points for 1/4 cup). Pop it in the oven for about 5 minutes, until the bagel gets crispy and the cheese gets bubbly, and then enjoy! YUM!

Oh, and here is a clip of that Insanity work out.
RIGHT?! Crazy! I'm going to have to stick to my Crunch dance videos for now and work up to that craziness! I spent most of it "resting" and "recovering"! Alright, I've got to go get ready! Have a great day and leave some looooove!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hey hey

My lovely people!

I've had a whirl wind of crap this past weekend! So I kinda fell off for a hot minute. HOWEVER I kept on track with weight watchers and didn't stray. I got super depressed and started finding myself sleeping all day or keeping to myself....I don't deal well with my emotions. This is a serious note for all of my friends, family and people I will get to know. DO NOT ever let someone make you feel like crap. That's exactly what happened this past week. I let someone from my past get the best of me...SO with that horrible heartache came a really sweet idea for a video! Its going to take sometime for me to pull off so please please be patient! I promise it will be worth it!

Feb 12. is our measurement and weigh in day! I'm so excited to see how far each of us has gotten!
I've noticed that my eating habits really have changed. I find myself snacking on fruits and veggies instead of crappy processed foods. It's the best thing I have ever done!

I'm really proud of myself and the woman I am transforming into.

Tell me how you guys deal with having your heart broken or with mean bitches?!
What do you do to make yourselves feel better!?

Love you all! XOXO